Field Placement for Business Students

Experience scope
Operations Project management Product or service launchSkills
emerging technologies marketing project management organizational behavior accounting business administration decision making supply chainStudents in the final semester of Loyalist’s two-year Business Administration Diploma Program are looking for a chance to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills in a business setting. Prior to this Service Learning course, students in this program have been taught a broad range of skills valuable in the business world including: project management, marketing, organizational behaviour, social media and emerging technology, accounting for decision making, and supply chain management.
Course Description: Integration of formal learning practices with developmental learning opportunities helps to enhance and consolidate the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes of emerging professionals. Students, in consultation with their faculty advisor, will complete an approved placement opportunity with a cooperating organization or business. The placement is intended to provide the student with hands-on work experience in their preferred field of business.
Course Implementation Activities:
- There are no assigned responsibilities that students must complete for their Loyalist College course.
- Students work with their company contact(s) to complete their assigned tasks.
- Students consult with their Professor as required for guidance.
Project Examples
Learning Outcomes:
- Conduct Action Research for a related Business field employment/placement opportunity.
- Create an implementation plan for the chosen related Business field employment/placement opportunity.
- Produce an artifact that reflects your experiential learning.
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience: