Social Impact Consultancy

RSM 466
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Lecturer/Academic Director
  • January 29, 2018
    Experience start
  • January 31, 2018
    Project Scope Meeting
  • February 28, 2018
    Midway Check In
  • April 6, 2018
    Experience end
5 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Non profit, Social Enterprise, Startup
Nonprofit, Social Enterprise

Experience scope

Fundraising Marketing strategy
analysis creative thinking implementation research skills
Learner goals and capabilities

Student-consultant groups will research and analyze a social challenge or opportunity that your organization faces, develop recommendations, and implement solutions.


Any level
25 learners
40 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 5
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Project deliverables include:

  • A signed statement of work.
  • A final report.
  • A presentation deck.
Project timeline
  • January 29, 2018
    Experience start
  • January 31, 2018
    Project Scope Meeting
  • February 28, 2018
    Midway Check In
  • April 6, 2018
    Experience end

Project Examples


Beginning this January, student-consultants in groups of five will spend 200 hours per group working to assist your organization with a social impact opportunity or challenge.

Students will design and execute a consulting engagement on a social impact issue ranging from corporate social responsibility and global health, to environmental sustainability and other topics your organization may focus on.

Based on your goals, student-consultants will research the issue, develop a strategic plan, and execute the plan to resolve the issue.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Building a marketing strategy for a social enterprise's new project.
  • Developing a fundraising strategy for an international cancer hospital.
  • Creating a general marketing strategy for a non-profit.
  • Writing a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy for a for-profit company.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox