Determine Web Accessibility options for a citizen science website

Project scope
UX design Graphic design Communications Information technologySkills
competitive analysis sales & marketing business strategy data analysis researchThe Goal
Research and document web accessibility standards that can apply to the citizen scientists web application we are building. Use your skills and creativity in all aspects of the design process to identify relevant web accessibility standards, determine which ones could/should apply to the two sections of our prototype (citizen scientist and trusted authority portal).
Your Contribution
- Research and identify possible web accessibility standards
- Determine which should apply to our website/app and identify the overall user experience accessibility assessment and design
- Take our citizen prototype screenshots and create mockup HTML that meets WCAG and other accessibility standards
- Why climate solutions need to support web accessibility
At the start of the project we will provide a walk-through of our prototype site and content. We will also provide a wealth of background material on the application, its use case, goals and objectives, and even detailed low-level fidelity wireframes.
- Final software code and final written report
- Documentation on software developed
- Develop prototypes and solicit feedback from us
- Iterate and refine designs to meet our needs
We will be fully available for all meetings. We can be available via email, phone and/or virtual meeting at a mutually agreed-up schedule. All work will be performed remotely.
About the company
Deploy Solutions connects Earth observation data with the needs of organisations and businesses by providing innovative Space Apps — software applications which use data from space.
We are streamlining the software development process using a software factory —a standardised approach with unique outcomes. This allows us to reduce development costs, risks, and the total cost of ownership, empowering organisations to take advantage of space data.
Find out how Deploy Solutions can help your organisation benefit from space data using a software factory approach.