Business Plan for Business Intelligence and Analytics Unit

Project scope
Leadership Organizational structure Marketing strategySkills
project planning business strategy client consulting
• Mission statement of the unit
• Description of Business Intelligence and Analytics Unit (BIAU)
• Description of how BIAU is different from other units and other organizations
• Description of management team, including the experience of key team members and previous successes
• How you plan to market the new initiatives, e.g. Innovation
• Analysis of unit’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat, which will show that we’re realistic and have considered opportunities and challenges
• Develop a cash flow statement so we understand what our needs are now and will be in the future (a cash flow statement also can help us consider how cash flow could impact growth)
• Revenue projections and
• Summary/conclusion that wraps everything together (this also could be an executive summary at the beginning of the plan)
About the company
To Serve and Protect.
“We are dedicated to delivering police services, in partnership with our communities, to keep Toronto the best and safest place to be.”
Core Values:
- Service at our Core
- Do the right thing
- Connect with Compassion
- Reflect and Grow