Frontend Website Fix/Enhacement for ReturnPal Courier Service

Project scope
Website developmentSkills
front end design brandingThe main goal for the project is to improve the user experience and functionality of the existing website for ReturnPal Courier Service. This will involve fixing any bugs, optimizing the website for speed and performance, and enhancing the overall frontend design to align with the company's brand and mission of simplifying returns and reviews for customers.
- Analyzing the existing frontend code and identifying bugs and areas for improvement.
- Implementing fixes for bugs and errors on the website.
- Optimizing the website for speed and performance.
- Enhancing the frontend design to improve user experience and align with the company's branding.
- Testing the updated frontend to ensure functionality and user satisfaction.
I'll provide guidance, feedback, and resources, tailored to individual needs, fostering growth, problem-solving, and achieving project milestones effectively.
About the company
At ReturnPal, we strive to simplify every day returns and reviews, simplifying your efforts to simplify your life.